Bachelor | Master
We are continuously looking for motivated students to join our groups for Bachelor and Master projects. Here you can find current offers for thesis projects or student worker positions at our groups. Moreover, you can always send inquiries for additional thesis projects in our core research areas as described in the research section.
Possible research topics
The following list provides a few examples of potential research topics for a Bachelor/Master thesis. Feel free to write to the indicated contact person to learn more about the projects/topics.
- AI-assisted laser diagnostics (Contact: Andreas Döpp)
- Hyperspectral sensor development (Contact: Andreas Döpp)
- Machine learning for laser-accelerator alignment and optimization (Contact: Andreas Döpp)
- Automation and active feedback-loop correction for laser stabilization (Contact: Stefan Karsch)
- Gas target characterization by interferometry and wavefront sensing (Contact: Katinka v. Grafenstein, Stefan Karsch)
- Setup and software development for a multi-GeV electron spectrometer (Contact: Stefan Karsch)
- Target development for multi-GeV electron acceleration (Contact: Katinka v. Grafenstein, Stefan Karsch)
- Measuring femtosecond electron bunches using a transition radiation spectrometer (Contact: Stefan Karsch)
- Betatron X-ray emission from GeV electron beams (Contact: Stefan Karsch)
- Ionoacoustic detector read-out based on machine learning (Contact: Sonja Gerlach, Jörg Schreiber)
- Computational studies on Laser-acceleration of elements from low to high atomic numbers (Contact: Peter Thirolf)
- Aerosol generation for laser-driven fission diagnostics (Contact: Max Weiser, Peter Thirolf)