Medical Physics
Medical physics is one promising application field of laser-driven particle acceleration and related multi-modal radiation sources. The chair for medical physics at the LMU, represented by its head Katia Parodi, pursues important activities that are based on sources developed in PULSE and help to improve their capabilities.
The strong link and close collaboration with the chair for medical physics has readily enabled novel instrumentation for ion detection and characterisation, for example through translation of the iono-acoustic method for Ion-Bunch Energy Acoustic Tracing [1] or time-of-flight detection developments [2]. Such detectors are of utmost relevance for gaining control over the acceleration and monitoring the dose for each individual bunch, but also for bringing proton or bi-modal imaging experiments from a proof-of-principle status [3] to a quantitative and applicable level.
[1] Haffa D, Yang R, Bin J, Lehrack S, Brack FE, Ding H, Englbrecht FS, Gao Y, Gebhard J, Gilljohann M, Gotzfried J, Hartmann J, Herr S, Hilz P, Kraft SD, Kreuzer C, Kroll F, Lindner FH, Metzkes-Ng J, Ostermayr TM, Ridente E, Rosch TF, Schilling G, Schlenvoigt HP, Speicher M, Taray D, Wurl M, Zeil K, Schramm U, Karsch S, Parodi K, Bolton PR, Assmann W, Schreiber J, I-BEAT: Ultrasonic method for online measurement of the energy distribution of a single ion bunch, Sci Rep 9 (2019) 6714.
[2] Würl M, Englbrecht FS, Lehrack S, Gianoli C, Lindner FH, Rosch TF, Haffa D, Olivari F, Petasecca M, Lerch MLF, Pogossov A, Tran LT, Assmann W, Schreiber J, Rosenfeld AB, Parodi K, Time-of-flight spectrometry of ultra-short, polyenergetic proton bunches, Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (2018) 123302.
[3] Ostermayr TM, Kreuzer C, Englbrecht FS, Gebhard J, Hartmann J, Huebl A, Haffa D, Hilz P, Parodi K, Wenz J, Donovan ME, Dyer G, Gaul E, Gordon J, Martinez M, McCary E, Spinks M, Tiwari G, Hegelich BM, Schreiber J, Laser-driven x-ray and proton micro-source and application to simultaneous single-shot bi-modal radiographic imaging, Nat Commun 11 (2020) 6174.
Project Coordinators: Katia Parodi, Jörg Schreiber